
When I first came across A Course in Miracles in March 2017, there were two things that jumped out at me. Firstly, ACIM does not claim to be the only way - it states that there are literally thousands of paths to spiritual awakening. Secondly, it says that you don’t have to read the text, the workbook or the manual for teachers in any order - you just need to follow your intuition. And then there was something else. There was no author on the front cover, no central organization to report to. It was just the reader and the words, and the words seemed to have power.

Since then, my routine has been to read one or two pages early in the morning, and then just get on with my day. These reflections are really just an extension of that, as well as being something creative to do in lockdown. They began with just two rules. Each reflection had to be no longer than a page, and each had to be written with no pre-planning. The first reflection didn’t begin with the opening page of A Course in Miracles, but started from where I was at the time - probably a third of the way through the text and three quarters of the way through the workbook. However the whole year seems to have brought it all full circle. And, just like ACIM, these reflections don’t need to be read in any order. They are purely meant to be helpful for anyone who is curious.

The near-death experience (NDE) is also included simply because it highlights many of the principles that A Course in Miracles teaches (for example, that we are created by, and return to, Infinite Love, that we are deeply interconnected, and that we are not the body). It is also interesting how there never seems to be pre-determining factors among those who have an NDE. Experiencers come from a whole variety of backgrounds, the causes of their NDE constantly vary, and many might have historically considered even the possibility of an NDE to be delusional. Their experiences, however, are all about being free of the body. And they never seem to look at life in quite the same way again.

A Course in Miracles does not mention the near-death experience and so the two are not connected (purists state that only the Father and the Son are outside of the dream). However, since so many experiencers talk about the complete absence of fear and the huge joy of oneness, then these are two very good reasons why NDEs should be included. A list of the NDEs used can be found in the following reflections, and any of them can be listened to independently by just clicking on any of the links below. 

Further related videos are:

So, with thanks to all those who have inspired me to pick up A Course in Miracles, and also to the many hundreds, probably thousands, of near-death experiencers who have had the courage to submit their testimonies via YouTube and other media outlets. Thanks also to the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) for the work that they do. And, finally, a big thanks to the publisher of ACIM, the Foundation for Inner Peace, for granting permission for the use of the quotes.

How to use this blog

The reflections have been divided up into 14 per page - use the menu in the left hand panel to navigate though all of the reflections.

Permissions from the publisher - The Foundation for Inner Peace

“All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, and, used with permission.”

Further information 

*Please note that all references that contain ’T’ relate to the Text, ‘W’ is the Workbook, ‘M’ is the Manual for Teachers, ‘C’ is the Clarification of Terms, ‘P’ is Psychotherapy, and ‘S’ is the Song of Prayer.

All quotes have been taken from A Course in Miracles, Combined Volume, Third Edition.


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                           365 Daily Reflections (the Song of Prayer): 2023-2024

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